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Interior design trends for 2023

The year 2023 brings with it some exciting new trends in interior design. If you want to freshen up your living space and make it modern and stylish, here are some inspiring ideas to consider.

  • Bold colours : Neutrals have had their day, so make way for bold colours such as emerald green, navy blue and terracotta red. These vibrant shades will add a touch of personality to your interior.

Couleurs audacieuses - Intérieur avec une décoration audacieuse et des couleurs vives.
Bold colours - Bring life to your home with vibrant shades.

  • Natural materials : The current trend is to use natural materials such as untreated wood, natural stone and rattan. These elements bring a warm, authentic atmosphere to your space.

Matériaux naturels - Cuisine avec des meubles en bois brut et une décoration en pierre naturelle.
Natural materials - Create a warm ambience with natural elements.

  • Functional minimalism : Opt for a pared-down style with clean lines and open spaces. Functional minimalism favours simplicity and functionality, eliminating the superfluous to create a soothing environment.

Minimalisme fonctionnel - Salon minimaliste avec des lignes épurées et un espace ouvert.
Functional minimalism - Simplicity at the service of functionality.

  • Mixing styles : Don't be afraid to combine different styles in your interior design. Mixing styles such as modern with vintage touches or minimalism with bohemian elements adds a unique dimension to your space.

Mélanges de styles - Living room/salon qui combine des éléments modernes et vintage.
Mixing styles - The audacity of combining different worlds.

  • Designer lighting : Lighting plays a crucial role in creating the right atmosphere. Opt for designer lighting and experiment with different types of lighting to highlight the key elements of your décor.

Éclairage design - Salon/coin lecture éclairé avec des luminaires design et un éclairage d'ambiance.
Design lighting - Enhance your space with modern luminaires.

  • Sustainability and eco-responsibility : Incorporate sustainable, environmentally-friendly elements into your interior design, such as recycled materials, restored vintage furniture or indoor plants to purify the air.

Durabilité et éco-responsabilité - Salon équipé avec des matériaux écologiques et des plantes d'intérieur.
Sustainability and eco-responsibility - Opt for environmentally-friendly materials.

  • Wall art : Wall art adds a touch of originality to your space. Opt for abstract paintings, framed photographs or even personalised artistic creations to express your unique style.

Art mural - Espace épuré avec une grande œuvre d'art murale pour une touche artistique.
Wall art - Express your unique style with original works of art.

Don't be afraid to explore these trends and adapt them to your own style and preferences. Give free rein to your creativity and transform your interior into a space that is both aesthetically pleasing and functional, in keeping with the current trends of 2023.

Team atelier jorand

interior design & decoration in Nyon, La Côte, Geneva & Valais.

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